How to Sterilize your Formula Feeding Equipment

Before you begin sterilizing,
- Wash your hands with soap and water
- Wash countertops where bottles will be placed with soap and water
- Wash all bottles, nipples, caps and rims with soap and water. Then sterilize them.
- Use a sterilized bottle for each feeding
Follow the steps below to sterilize your equipment
Reprinted with permission of the Government of Manitoba
Safety tips:
- When purchasing bottles look for ones that are BPA free.
- Sterilize all your equipment for the entire time your child is receiving formula.
- It is safe to use home sterilizers that you can buy in the store, but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Most dishwashers do not get hot enough to sterilize bottles and other feeding equipment
- Automatic formula preparation machines for use at home are not recommended. Bacteria
can grow in the water if it sits too long in the machine and the water in these units is not
warm enough to kill the bacteria that may be in the powder formula. These machines are also difficult to clean properly.
If you have questions about how to feed your baby, call your public health nurse, talk to your healthcare provider or call Health Links- Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll free 1-888-315-9257.