

Queer and Trans Parents

Welcoming parents with diverse sexualities, genders, and relationships!

Parenting in Manitoba aims to be as inclusive as possible, but we know that some links and resources may still reflect heterosexual, two-parent families. Because we know that all parents share certain experiences, we hope that you are able to find some information that is relevant to you, no matter what your family looks like.

At the same time, queer and trans parents do have interests that others won’t. The health and child development sectors have been slow to adapt to diverse families systems. We are working to become more competent. Other interests are more practical, including wanting better information about fertility, conception, and adoption options. As this site continues to grow, we will share more information that is relevant to families with diverse genders, relationships, and sexualities.

Not surprisingly, queer parents have insights that can benefit others as well. Queer and trans people have often advocated for themselves and challenged social norms, and this means that they often think critically about how they want to parent and what kinds of values they want to instill. By offering an inclusive platform, we think that all parents will appreciate this exchange of ideas.