Introducing Solid Foods Infant Feeding Videos
Updated December 21st, 2021

Introducing Solid Foods
This video series covers the main points on how to introduce solid foods to your baby including learning their cues, what textures to give, when to offer other beverages and how to help them develop healthy eating habits.
Note: Other videos may be recommended by the host channel (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo). These suggestions may be based on your personal search history and other factors. The WRHA does not control these suggestions and is not responsible for and may not endorse the content.
Starting Solid Food (1:00)
Learn how to tell when your baby is ready to start solids. Get tips on how to continue breastfeeding while introducing solid foods.
Iron Rich Foods for Babies (1:00)
Learn which foods to introduce to your baby first and when to introduce other foods such as cow’s milk.
Responding to Baby’s Cues (1:00)
Babies know when they are hungry or full. Learn how to read their cues.
Offering a Variety of Textures to Your Baby (1:00)
Learn what textures to offer your baby and when to offer them.
Learning to Self-Feed (1:00)
Learn when babies are ready to feed themselves, which foods are safe to offer and when they can learn to drink from an open cup.
Breastmilk and Other Drinks for Babies (1:00)
Learn how long to keep breastfeeding your baby, and when to start offering water and other drinks to your baby.
The Feeding Relationship (1:00)
Learn how to help your child develop healthy eating habits.
If you’re looking for information not covered in these videos, such as food allergies and baby led weaning, visit our section on introducing solids to learn more: The Mess and Fun of Starting Solid Foods.
Finger Foods for Babies
Watch these videos from Rosemary Szabadka, Public Health Dietitian, for ideas on finger foods for your baby and how to make them safe.
Making Everyday Foods Safe for Babies
Making Apples Safe for Babies (1:32)
Infant Cereal Pancakes (1:23)
Feeding Your Baby Solid Foods Workshop Video (1:02:38)
Usually, public health dietitians offer monthly classes across the city for parents and caregivers on how to introduce solids to your baby. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all in-person “Feeding Your Baby Solid Foods” workshops have been cancelled until further notice. The good news is you can watch the video below, recorded by WRHA Public Health Dietitians. Along with the information on this website, they provide the most up-to-date information on introducing solid foods to your baby.